People don’t take on debt assuming they’ll never be able to repay it. If you’re like the vast majority of people who file bankruptcy in Gulf Shores, things got out of control before you even realized it. One credit card turned into two, then three, then four, then suddenly you had zero credit available on any of them. Or you suffered a medical emergency and were buried by tens of thousands of dollars in medical bills that you had absolutely no way to pay. Considering bankruptcy when you’re in over your head isn’t shameful or embarrassing—it’s smart. This process exists specifically to give relief to consumers like you. If you think Chapter 7 bankruptcy may be the right choice for you, let’s talk about your legal options now. Call Padgett & Robertson at 251-336-3695 to set up a consultation with our team now. Looking into the Chapter 7 process can help you decide whether or not this is the right step for you. Chapter 7 essentially liquidates your assets, uses them to pay off debts, and then discharges the rest of your debt. It’s a much shorter process than Chapter 13 bankruptcy and is better suited for those who simply do not have the means to pay. The process includes:
Most debts are dischargeable in bankruptcy, but not all are. It’s important to check into this, because if the majority of your debt comes from non-dischargeable sources, this may not be the best option for you. Dischargeable debts include credit cards, personal loans, medical bills, car loans, and mortgages. Non-dischargeable debts include child support, alimony, criminal restitution, money owed to government agencies, and many types of tax debt. Note that even though car loans, mortgages, and other types of secured debt can be discharged, that doesn’t mean the debt just disappears. If you stop paying, the bank can seize the collateral—the car or house—to make up for it. You may have noticed that we said Chapter 7 liquidates your assets to pay for your debts. However, the court isn’t going to take everything you own and leave you with nothing as you start over—that would be setting you up for failure. There are several categories of exempt assets, and those assets cannot be taken from you during bankruptcy. In Alabama, the homestead exemption protects some of the equity you have in your home. You can also keep many types of personal property, most of your your wages and income, the earned income tax credit, and your retirement accounts. There are many other types of exemptions, including a wildcard exemption you can use to protect property not included in other categories. Most debtors end up not liquidating anything. Issues may arise in bankruptcy, which is why it’s so important to be honest with your Gulf Shores bankruptcy lawyer at every step along the way. Your bankruptcy may be denied if you:
Additionally, any debt that you do not disclose during this process may not be discharged in bankruptcy. It is absolutely essential that you double- and triple-check your documents to ensure that you are being honest and disclosing everything. At Padgett & Robertson, we have helped many Gulf Shores residents just like you get a fresh start. We understand how debt can consume your life, putting you under enormous stress. If you think Chapter 7 bankruptcy is the right choice for you, we’re here to talk. We’ll help you look over your finances, explain your options, and support you as you think about your next move. We’re on your side every step of the way, and you’ll be able to reach us any time you’re overwhelmed or uncertain. If you’re ready to move forward with bankruptcy, let’s schedule a time to talk. Our team of bankruptcy attorneys has handled cases throughout the region, and we have the answers you’re looking for. Call us at 251-336-3695 or contact us online to get started.Gulf Shores, AL Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Attorneys
The Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Process
Dischargeable and Non-Dischargeable Debts
Will You Have to Sell Your Assets?
Issues That May Arise in Chapter 7 Bankruptcy
How Padgett & Robertson Can Help You
Choose Us for Your Gulf Shores Bankruptcy Needs
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Alabama State Bar Association Regulations require the following: “No representation is made that the quality of the legal services to be performed is greater than the quality of legal services performed by other lawyers.” 11 U.S.C. 528 of the U.S. Bankruptcy Code requires the following: “We are a debt relief agency. We help people file for bankruptcy relief under the Bankruptcy Code.”